
On our servers you can get various titles through different tasks!
Here is a list of all titles, which you can get from us!

But please remember, you can only wear one title at a time. 
Titles are visible in the server chat.

Breeding title

Type of title / Name of title
How to obtain it?
Can you lose it?
Beastmaster This title can be obtained by anyone who breeds over a Dino Stat of 250 Screenshot of said animals no
Pack Master This title can be obtained by anyone with 3 Breedinglines (e.g.:Rex,Spino,Anky) Screenshot of said animals
mit je zwei Stats von über 250 züchtet
Screenshot of said animals no
Desired breeding title
(e.g.: Dodomaster)
Certain or special dinos upbred (dodos, luminous animals ect.) [This does not include boss animals!] Screenshot of said animals no

PVE Bosstitle

Name of the title
How to obtain it?
Can you lose it?
Warriortribe At least one event boss on Alpha
Proof of trophies terminal
Champion All event bosses on Alpha Proof of trophies terminal
ChampionsAlliance Place all alpha bosses in an alliance Proof of trophies terminal
Kingslayer Place the Alpha King-Titan boss on Extincion independently. (Independently means without help from a temporary alliance or other players). View of an admin / video no

Einmalige Titel

 Name of the title
How to obtain it?
Can you lose it?
(title no longer available)
Reach Lvl 155 first (Forever) [Once a tribemember reaches the goal, only that tribe can receive it]. Screenshot from implant no
FirstClubAlpha (title no longer available) First lay Endboss Alpha (Season + Forever) Screenshot of the terminal + view of an admin. no
FirstClub180 (Titel nichtmehr erreichbar) Reach Lvl 180 first (Season + Forever) [Once a Tribe member reaches the goal, only that Tribe can receive it]. Screenshot from implant no
FirstClubMissions First (on Season or Forever) complete all missions on maps Genesis 1 & 2. The title is given to a single person who owns the missions. Help from tribe members or permanent alliance members is allowed Screenshot of the mission interface no
(nicht mehr erreichbar)
 Als erstes (auf Season oder Forever) alle Missionen auf Karten Genesis 1 & 2 alle Missionen fertig haben. Hier zählen auch gekaufte Missionen dazu. Den Titel bekommt eine einzelne Person, welche die Missionen besitzt. Hilfe von Tribe-Mitgliedern oder festen Allianzmitgliedern ist erlaubt Screenshot of the mission interface no

PVE Titles

 Name of the title
How to obtain it?
Can you lose it?
Missionmaster Missionen auf Karten Genesis 1 & 2 alle Missionen fertig haben. Mann muss hier alle missionen „selbst“ erspielt haben. Den Titel bekommt eine einzelne Person, welche die Missionen besitzt. Hilfe von Tribe-Mitgliedern oder festen Allianzmitgliedern ist erlaubt Screenshot of the mission interface no
Missionmaker Missionen auf Karten Genesis 1 & 2 alle Missionen fertig haben. Hierzu zählen auch gekaufte Missionen. Den Titel bekommt eine einzelne Person, welche die Missionen besitzt. Hilfe von Tribe-Mitgliedern oder festen Allianzmitgliedern ist erlaubt Screenshot of the mission interface no
Club180 Endstufe 180 Erreichen Screenshot from implant no

Event Titel

 Name of the title
How to obtain it?
Can you lose it?
Architect Du kannst diesen besonderen Titel erhalten, wenn du Bilder deiner Basis in „Discord-Pictures“ postest und einen Wettbewerb gewinnen. Bitte kontaktiert einen Admin, wenn Du einen Wettbewerb starten möchtet yes (Through a competition)
Headhunter A touring title awarded to the winner of a PvP event. Participation and victory from the event yes (through the next PvP event)
King of „XY“ Titles for other events etc.... (The event creators should come up with the titles themselves). Participation and victory from the event no