On our servers you can get various titles through different tasks!
Here is a list of all titles, which you can get from us!
But please remember, you can only wear one title at a time.
Titles are visible in the server chat.
Breeding title
Type of title / Name of title |
How to obtain it? |
Proof |
Can you lose it? |
Beastmaster | This title can be obtained by anyone who breeds over a Dino Stat of 250 | Screenshot of said animals | no |
Pack Master | This title can be obtained by anyone with 3 Breedinglines (e.g.:Rex,Spino,Anky)
Screenshot of said animals mit je zwei Stats von über 250 züchtet |
Screenshot of said animals | no |
Desired breeding title (e.g.: Dodomaster) |
Certain or special dinos upbred (dodos, luminous animals ect.) [This does not include boss animals!] | Screenshot of said animals | no |
PVE Bosstitle
Name of the title |
How to obtain it? |
Proof |
Can you lose it? |
Warriortribe | At least one event boss on Alpha |
Proof of trophies terminal Screenshot |
no |
Champion | All event bosses on Alpha | Proof of trophies terminal Screenshot |
no |
ChampionsAlliance | Place all alpha bosses in an alliance | Proof of trophies terminal Screenshot |
no |
Kingslayer | Place the Alpha King-Titan boss on Extincion independently. (Independently means without help from a temporary alliance or other players). | View of an admin / video | no |
Einmalige Titel
Name of the title |
How to obtain it? |
Proof |
Can you lose it? |
FirstClub155 (title no longer available) |
Reach Lvl 155 first (Forever) [Once a tribemember reaches the goal, only that tribe can receive it]. | ||
FirstClubAlpha (title no longer available) | First lay Endboss Alpha (Season + Forever) | ||
FirstClub180 (Titel nichtmehr erreichbar) | Reach Lvl 180 first (Season + Forever) [Once a Tribe member reaches the goal, only that Tribe can receive it]. | Screenshot from implant | no |
FirstClubMissions | First (on Season or Forever) complete all missions on maps Genesis 1 & 2. The title is given to a single person who owns the missions. Help from tribe members or permanent alliance members is allowed | Screenshot of the mission interface | no |
FirstClubMissionmaker (nicht mehr erreichbar) |
Als erstes (auf Season oder Forever) alle Missionen auf Karten Genesis 1 & 2 alle Missionen fertig haben. Hier zählen auch gekaufte Missionen dazu. Den Titel bekommt eine einzelne Person, welche die Missionen besitzt. Hilfe von Tribe-Mitgliedern oder festen Allianzmitgliedern ist erlaubt | no |
PVE Titles
Name of the title |
How to obtain it? |
Proof |
Can you lose it? |
Missionmaster | Missionen auf Karten Genesis 1 & 2 alle Missionen fertig haben. Mann muss hier alle missionen „selbst“ erspielt haben. Den Titel bekommt eine einzelne Person, welche die Missionen besitzt. Hilfe von Tribe-Mitgliedern oder festen Allianzmitgliedern ist erlaubt | Screenshot of the mission interface | no |
Missionmaker | Missionen auf Karten Genesis 1 & 2 alle Missionen fertig haben. Hierzu zählen auch gekaufte Missionen. Den Titel bekommt eine einzelne Person, welche die Missionen besitzt. Hilfe von Tribe-Mitgliedern oder festen Allianzmitgliedern ist erlaubt | Screenshot of the mission interface | no |
Club180 | Endstufe 180 Erreichen | Screenshot from implant | no |
Event Titel
Name of the title |
How to obtain it? |
Proof |
Can you lose it? |
Architect | Du kannst diesen besonderen Titel erhalten, wenn du Bilder deiner Basis in „Discord-Pictures“ postest und einen Wettbewerb gewinnen. | Bitte kontaktiert einen Admin, wenn Du einen Wettbewerb starten möchtet | yes (Through a competition) |
Headhunter | A touring title awarded to the winner of a PvP event. | Participation and victory from the event | yes (through the next PvP event) |
King of „XY“ | Titles for other events etc.... (The event creators should come up with the titles themselves). | Participation and victory from the event | no |